Product Profile
IBM Platform LSF
IBM Platform LSF is a powerful workload management platform and operates in demanding, distributed HPC environments. It provides a set of policy-driven comprehensive intelligent scheduling functions and guarantees optimal application performance.
IBM Platform HPC
IBM Platform HPC provides a complete high-performance computing (HPC) management solution. It empowers computing users with powerful capabilities by lowering HPC environment complexity and accelerating problem solution.
IBM Platform Symphony
IBM Platform Symphony provides a powerful enterprise-level management tool for running distributed applications and big data analysis on an extensible grid.
IBM Platform MPI
IBM® Platform™ MPI is a high-performance implementation of the industry standard message passing interface (MPI), ensure the highest level of portability and performance across all operating systems.
IBM Platform Cluster Manager
IBM Platform Cluster Manager heterogeneous cluster infrastructure and simplifies infrastructure-related monitoring and maintenance.
IBM Platform Computing boasts more than 2,000 customers all over the world and is the leader in global grid solutions and applications including:
- Aerospace and national defense
- Automobile
- Finance market and insurance
- Life sciences
- Petroleum and chemical